Budget proposal calls for increased education spending

Budget proposal calls for increased education spending

Massachusetts State House

Thanks to the Student Opportunity Act, public school funding is rising in Massachusetts. On Jan. 22, Governor Charlie Baker submitted a budget proposal that calls for $304 million in new Chapter 70 education aid and another $51 million in other new education funding. The numbers won’t be final until the Legislature approves a budget for fiscal 2021 and it is signed by the governor.

Ed Funding by District in the Governor's Proposed Budget

See the state education aid outlined in House 2, the governor's budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year.

Ed Funding by District

The FY 2021 budget will be a down payment on resources to come. If the Legislature keeps its commitments under the new law each year, Chapter 70 will increase by more than $2 billion by 2027, or 40 percent over the current fiscal year.

Districts would see varying levels of funding under the governor’s budget proposal. Those with high concentrations of poverty will receive the most. All districts will be “held harmless,” meaning they will receive at least as much as they would have received under the former law. In addition, some municipalities will be required to allocate more funding to their local public schools under the act.